Sunday, February 08, 2009

Photo Frenzy and Travel Plans

Well, well, well, do I ever have some pictures for you.

Yesterday was Photo Frenzy, an event put on by the study abroad office. It's basically a scavenger hunt. Our team (which we creatively named Team Us [NOT U.S. like the organizers thought]) was given a list of clues such as, "this bridge was only open for a week before it was closed for being too wobbly" and then we had to know this meant Millennium Bridge and go a take a picture of it.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Before Photo Frenzy, a few of us planned on getting up early and going to Abbey Road before we had to meet the rest. Well, we all ended up being late and we decided to do that another time since Abbey Road was quite far from where we were supposed to meet everyone. This gave us a little bit of time to walk along the Thames. There were street performers all along the river, and we had a great time just wandering around and taking pictures.

Then we met up with all the other people in our group, and started figuring out the clues! I wasn't the designated picture taker, but I stole the pictures off Matt's facebook so that I could show you! We didn't think we would win the prize for fastest group, so we tried to go for most creative, thus the reason for the funny poses in these pics. We didn't end up winning, but it was still fun!

There was also a bonus prize for best caption that starts with "You know you're in London when..." so that picture is in there too. We lost that prize to a group that definitely deserved it. They found a couple of cute British boys and captioned the picture "You know you're in London when you find guys that look like this," haha.

Here's our group pictures!

I really think we should have gotten most creative, don't you? hehe. So after that we met everyone at TigerTiger and got dinner and drinks. Of course, we ended up staying longer than everyone else, but they needed the room we were in and Laura wasn't done eating, so they let us sit in the VIP room since it was still early and the VIPs weren't getting there until later! But when they started showing up, we had to go find another pub, called The Crown and Two Chairmen. Of all the luck, we ended up getting a huge corner table, even though it was pretty busy. After hanging out there for a while, we headed back home.

Think you can handle another slide show? Good. These are all the pictures that I took of the day, starting with the walk along the Thames, some other sites of Photo Frenzy and, of course, our night at the pubs.

Okay, I know that was a long one, but I just had so many great pictures!

So, today is Sunday, and I've been relaxing all day. I'm so tired after yesterday and all the walking we did. I have some homework to do as well and class all week, so it might be awhile before I write again... mostly because there's not much that's going to be going on. We have a trip with British Life and Culture on Friday to Parliament and the Globe, though.

And the next weekend a bunch of us are taking a bus to Edinborough! We a travel meeting the other day and here are the tentitive travel dates:
*February 19- Edinborough
*March 12- Amsterdam
*March 27- Somewhere in England, we talked about either Liverpool or Cornwall
*Spring Break (not sure exactly what day we are leaving but it starts April 3)- Spain, Italy, Vienna and Prague
*April 30- Paris

The only trip that's set in stone right now is Edinborough, the rest we're still kind of talking about. And we also plan on making a trip to Neice, Dublin and possibly Berlin. I'm not going on all of these, but I haven't really decided which ones I'm not going on yet, haha. I just thought I'd let you all know what might be in store!

Missing home a bunch (even though I know it doesn't sound like it),

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous that you're in London right now. I so want to go someday. Btw, I'm taking a Shakespeare class this semester at MSU. You'll have to tell me stuff about yours so we can compare. I <3 Shakespeare! Glad to hear you're having fun. We'll have to get together sometime when you get back.
    - Lauren Murray
