I am leaving in 4 days! I can't even believe it's finally happening...
Anyway, I wanted to post a little entry to start this off. I'll be updating this journal as often as possible to let you all know what I've been up to, and I'll post any pictures and videos that I take as well.
Also, I wanted to let everyone know the various ways that you can contact me while I'm gone.
-I won't know about my mailing address or my phone number until I get there, but I'm not going to post it here, so that I will e-mail to everyone, but I'd like to leave the phone as a last resort means of communication as there are other, cheaper ways to talk to you all :)
-My e-mail addresses are bryanken@student.gvsu.edu and LttlAngel377@aol.com
-I can talk to you through a microphone, webcam or just text chat on Skype (download here). My username is Monkeyhouse10
-On AIM (download here), my user name is MonkeyHouse06
So, anyway, bookmark this page and check back often!
Kendyl - only two days there and already an awsome experience. How wonderful and to see Big Ben..wow!! Have Fun..Colleen