Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vienna: Mozart, Strauss, and Freud

I think I've made you wait long enough for my travel adventures! Here's the story of Vienna!

We left Prague on an 8am bus and by 12pm we were in Vienna.

After checking into the hostel, and taking showers and naps, we headed out planning to see Mozart's house and poke around the town and the huge flea market. We watched some street performers and were headed to Mozart's when, for once, we were actually glad to be stopped by someone selling tickets on the street. We ended getting tickets to a Mozart and Strauss review that was a concert/opera/ballet combo. It was really beautiful (much better than our Don Giovanni puppet fiasco).

The next day, a Sunday, we had every intention of getting up early to go see the Vienna boys choir, but unfortunately, all 6 of us overslept. We split into 2 groups then; the other four headed to Ring Road while Briann and I went to see Schonbrunn Palace. Personally, I think we made a good choice. There was an Easter market in front of the palace where we got a great lunch, and some pastries to surprise everyone with later that night. The grounds were huge, and it even had it's own zoo and a labyrinth in the back!

Afterward, we met up with the rest of the crew at Freud's house/museum. I was a little disappointed at it really. It would have been a lot cooler if it was still set up like he had it, but instead, the bottom half of the walls showed what it used to look like and the top half had shelves and pictures. We were given a booklet that told us what each thing was, but it was a little confusing. Still, I'm glad I saw it. I think it might be psych major sacrilege to visit Vienna and not see Freud's house/office :)

A few girls were hoping to do laundry at the hostel that night and another guy was flying in, so Matt went to meet him while we chilled at the hostel and then hung out in the lounge and ate the pastries that we had bought earlier.

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